Posted by on Jan 3, 2015 in Roses | 0 comments

rosebead necklace

Every year on the eve of our wedding anniversary my husband gives me one dozen red roses, & every year I make myself a new piece of rose bead jewelry.  It doesn’t have to be big or fancy… maybe a single bead pendant or a pair of earrings. Just a little something that marks another year of us being together.


This year I combined seventeen 6mm rose beads, twenty 6mm ruby dyed jade beads, bronze wire and jewelers’ brass to make my anniversary necklace.


I think it’s awesome that my husband brings me a bouquet of roses on the eve of every anniversary and it’s always twelve red roses. I’m not sure if he knows the meaning of the color and the number but that’s OK.


When picking out a bouquet of roses for someone you can chose it because it’s pretty. Or, you like it so they should like it too. In a way that’s true…really, how can you go wrong with roses? You can’t!


You can make things even better, and that is by learning the language of roses.

There are two things that you should look at when it comes to roses—Color and Number.




  • Red-Love and respect
  • Pink- Appreciation, Admiration or sympathy
  • White- Innocence, purity…meaning-to promote purity and a special occasion.
  • Yellow- Happiness and friendship…. meaning-to congratulate love ones and friends during times of happiness.
  • Orange- Desire.


Number of Roses


  • One- Love at first sight.
  • Three- I love you.
  • Six- I am devoted to you.
  • Ten- A perfect 10 means you are perfection.
  • Twelve- Be mine or I think about you 12 months of the year.
  • Fifty plus – Means that my love and my wallet know no bounds when it comes to you.



So whether my husband understands the language of roses, or it was just luck, I don’t know and I won’t ask…. But with his bouquet to me it clearly states he loves and respects me every day of every month of the year.