Posted by on Oct 28, 2013 in Uncategorized | 0 comments


Hi, my name is Cheryll and ever since I can remember I have loved jewelry.  Not the trendy type jewelry, but the stuff that is different, the type that you know no one else would have-a one of a kind piece.  Long before I was seeking out different jewelry to buy, I was trying to create my own unique jewelry using tumbled stones, nails, leaves, butterfly wings and such.  In short, whatever I could find.

I love gemstones. I love the way they look and how no two are the same. They can seem similar just like siblings and even look identical like twins.  But they are more like wood or a snowflake and are unique.  I like the way gemstones feel, I even like the fact they have metaphysical meanings.

Metal is another thing that I just can’t get enough of-gold, sterling silver, brass, or copper, I love it all.  Whether it’s the delicate look of a wired piece or the shadows dancing on the textures of a hammered piece of sheet metal, metal enthuses me.

Flowers…everyone loves flowers. Even my miniature dachshund, Sam, will sniff a pretty flower right before he eats it.  Flowers tingle my senses-first they delight my eyes, then their sweet or spicy scent tickles my nose. Rub the petals lightly against your skin and I think they feel like powder.

There are even some flowers that taste wonderful, just ask my dachshund Sam.

Now you know some of my favorite things: jewelry, gemstones, metal, & flowers. So it only makes sense that I would make jewelry using my favorite things.

I feel that when you are drawn to create art you should use things that inspire you and by including your inspirations you have found your muse.